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By-Pass Connection Kit (BCK)

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By-Pass Connection Kit (BCK)

Heat recovery units are used to transfer the heat from the exhaust air to supply air. In the transition seasons, it is much more suitable to supply the fresh air directly to indoor by not passing throug hthe heat exchanger. By-pass conection kit allows controlling the outdoor air automatically and supplying the outdoor air directly to the indoor when it is necessary. Heat recovery units with BCK have the following heights and withs. 


Alaskon Heat Recovery EC Units

Simx ModelBCK 04BCK 09BCK 11BCK 16BCK 20BCK 29BCK 36BCK 51
Height (mm)340400475520520520570920
Weight (kg)40457575100125145190


Duct Type Electrical Heater (VCE)

Electrical Heater (VCE)

Duct Type Water Coil (HWC-CWC)

Water Coil (HWC- CWC)